Eventually I will get back into the habit of writing these posts closer to the activities that actually generated the…
In this post we have updates (and art!) for Dungeon Quest: Adventure, and take a walk through sticky problem town with a Paper Zeppelin level coding issue. Much wow.
Things have been busy here at Star Frog HQ of late. Busy in a good way, and cracking progress is…
Yeah, there’s nothing particularly paralytic about the parallax effects I’ve been implementing in Paper Zeppelin. I just like alliteration when…
Come along and see the newest updates on Paper Zeppelin. The new enemy just ported in, and a long discussion about efficiency.
Been spending a bit of time thinking about the resolution of Paper Zeppelin. The main issue that I’ve been thinking…
So here’s a fun fact – enemies are back online again. Well, at the very least the dive bombing enemies…
Sometimes a bit of game development is easy, and you sit there, slightly dumbfounded, because you expected that bit to…
Nailed it. It turns out that I was right, and somewhere along the line of installing something or another, my…
It’s like the F5 key is broken. I’ll back up. Here at Star Frog Games we do playtests. Lots of…